Remember I said I couldn’t imagine Sunday lunch without a pudding? This one is another contender for the ‘had to be rustled up from an empty larder’ prize. Our plans changed one weekend and we found ourselves at home, a main course had been found but a pudding was, of course, required.
I always have frozen raspberries tucked away and am never without a jar of raspberry jam for breakfast or just in case it is a day for scones. In this instance I used the final jar of the Loganberry jam I made last summer and there couldn’t have been a more fitting or appreciative last hoorah for it. I would get panicky if I didn’t have the wherewithal to make a cake in the house and so it was that all these ingredients made themselves available.
This is essentially a light vanilla sponge atop a juicy, fragrant, sweet and sharp raspberry sauce – but it is so much more than merely that! With cold double cream (for me) or further heady vanilla in the shape of ice cream (my husband and children) this is dream worthy. Somehow a pudding of distant memory or perhaps just nostalgia as I don’t recall ever being given this as a child.
No matter, make this next time you need to rustle up afters a bit pronto and find yourself caught short in the shopping department.
Raspberry Larder Pudding
100g soft butter
100g golden caster sugar
2 eggs
125g self raising flour
2 tablespoons milk
150g frozen raspberries
1/2 jar raspberry jam
Icing sugar to dust
Preheat the oven to 180. Place the raspberries in an ovenproof 1 litre dish and dot over the jam along with 2 tablespoons water, give it all a mix and set aside. Cream the butter and sugar well and then add the eggs one at a time with spoonful of flour. Finally gently mix in the reminder of the flour along with the milk and a pinch of salt. Pour this batter over the raspberries, smooth to cover and bake for 35-40 minutes until just firm on top, you can put in a toothpick to double check, if it comes out clean it is done. Dust with icing sugar if you like, serves 4. This is easily doubled in which case you will need to cook it for about 1 hour.