Bakewell Tart (Pudding?)

There I was last week with my washing out on the line thinking hurrah, Spring is here. The sun was shining, it was positively balmy outside and our chickens were sunbathing.  How Mother Nature must have laughed as the cold wind set in and last night, when it started actually snowing, her sides must have just about split.

So, here we are again, chilly.  Putting the layers back on and discussing the weather endlessly as only the British can.  I have put on hold the “Here is Spring” recipe I had planned and reached once more into my cache of cosy, winter warmers.  I don’t mind this at all, soups, stews and roasts are all most welcome at my table and I know I will miss them when the warmer weather does arrive.  That lovely day last week was just a tease, a reminder of what is in store, a real here today and gone tomorrow.

Anyway, this was our pudding yesterday for lunch.  Not only warming and a tiny bit stodgy (in a good way) but also an absolute breeze for my children to make for Mothering Sunday.  It was delicious and I was very lucky to be presented with it.  Warm custard or double cream, either or both compliment this superbly and if there is any left, it is just the ticket with a cup of tea.

Bakewell Tart

For the pastry –

100g plain flour

1 teaspoon icing sugar

25g cold butter, cubed

25g cold lard, cubed

1 egg yolk

Cold water

Whizz together (or rub in by hand) the first five ingredients and then cautiously add water, a few drops at a time until the pastry just comes together.  Form into a ball, flatten, wrap in clingfilm and leave it to rest for 20 minutes.

For the filling –

100g soft butter

100g caster sugar

150g ground almonds

2 eggs

A few drops of almond essence

Two good tablespoons raspberry jam

Preheat the oven to 180 and put a baking sheet on your oven shelf to heat up.  Mix everything except the jam together really well.  Once the pastry has rested, roll out and use to line a 20cm tart tin with a loose bottom.  Bake this blind for 15 minutes.  Leave it to cool for a few minutes and then spread the jam evenly over the tart case followed by the almond mixture.  Smooth this to cover the jam and then cook for 25 minutes.  You could dust with icing sugar if you like or just serve as it is. This is enough for 4 with a couple of slices left over for tea.

Note – please do use bought pastry if that is what you prefer and also, if you can’t bring yourself to use lard just replace it with the same amount of butter.

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