Between Christmas and New Year

We are nearing the end of that hazy week between Christmas and New Year.  The week when you are unsure which day it is and on occasion which year.  I dither between hanging on to the festive season and continuing to think a mince pie for breakfast a good idea and diving headlong into the good intentions of the New Year.

I rather look forward to January.  Like opening a brand new exercise book at school I relish that clean fresh page.  Although I don’t believe in weighing yourself down with stringent resolutions there is no harm in a shift towards anything that makes you feel good about life.  Whether that is a bracing walk in the fresh air, a crazily invigorating dip in the sea or simply giving the Prosecco a break is up to you.

For us the easy going, day sliding from one to another vibe continues until term starts.  Until then we are lying on the sofa watching telly, finishing those chocolates, going for walks and reading our Christmas books.

Whatever you are doing for New Years Eve have fun, treat yourself and look forward to that crisp white page of your 2020 exercise book.  Happy New Year.



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