Chocolate Pudding Cake


I feel I have just got over the Christmas cooking and eating and now New Year’s Eve presents itself.  Whilst I realise the dates remain the same year in year out, it can take me by surprise.  Perhaps because of the way days drift into one another and we seem to be asking ourselves is it Monday or Tuesday.  Thus, if you are like me you may need a last minute pudding up your sleeve and this could be it.

A rich, elegant and delicious pud, a perfect way to finish dinner, not just at the end of the year but anytime – special enough for a treat but not fussy or frilly.  The little black dress of puddings if you will.  You can make this today and it will still be fabulous in a couple of days if you wrap it in foil and keep in a cool place, not hard at this time of year.  In fact the cake you see in the photograph was one I made before Christmas and froze – it was just as good as if made on the day.   We had it with cold double cream but whipped would be lovely too, or creme fraiche if you prefer.

Chocolate Pudding Cake

175g butter

175g plain chocolate

175g caster sugar

175g ground almonds

6 eggs

Preheat the oven to 160.  Butter and base line with parchment a 20cm cake tin. Melt the chocolate in a bowl over simmering water.  Meanwhile, whizz the sugar and butter together in a processor, add the eggs one at a time and the ground almonds.  Finally add the melted chocolate and stir to combine.  Pour the mixture into the prepared tin and bake for 45 minutes.   Leave to cool and peel the paper off bottom before putting onto a serving plate and dusting with icing sugar if you want.   Serves 8.

Happy New Year!


2 thoughts on “Chocolate Pudding Cake

  1. Well, I’ve made this today and its already gone. Apart from a few crumbs I didn’t get any so I think that says it all. I cooked it at gas mark 3 for 55 minutes and used duck eggs and Bournville. Delicious. Will make it again tomorrow to get a piece!

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